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Monday, February 25, 2008


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How to encrypt the files?

How to encrypt the files?

A username and password combination is a good beginning to protecting files and folders. However, if a machine -- particularly a laptop -- is stolen it's a very simple matter to break into the contents of the hard drive. The only way you can be reasonably sure that files and folders will remain inaccessible to a thief is to encrypt files so that they are extremely difficult to pry open.

Windows XP includes the ability to selectively encrypt files and folders.
To do so:
1. Right-click the folder that contains files that you want to encrypt.
2. From the shortcut menu, choose Properties.
3. On the General tab, click the Advanced button.
4. Select the checkbox next to Encrypt contents to secure data.
5. Click OK.
(When you encrypt a file or folder, that item's title becomes green.)

How to disable the guest account?

How to disable the guest account?

By default in a new Windows XP SP2 installation, the Guest account, which provides limited system access to anyone, is disabled.

Verify that this is the case on your system by following these steps:
1. Click the Start button.
2. Right-click My Computer and, from the shortcut menu, choose Manage.
3. When the Computer Management window opens, go to Local Users and Groups | Users.
4. Verify that the Guest account is disabled by looking for an icon with an X in a red circle next to the name.
5. If the account is not disabled, double-click the account name to open its Properties window.
6. On the Guest account's properties window, select the checkbox next to Account is disabled.
7. Click OK.

How to disable file sharing?

How to disable file sharing?

Windows XP is designed for both home and office environments. As such, the product attempts to be all things to all people. To make it easier to share files, Microsoft included Simple File Sharing in Windows XP. As the name implies, Simple File Sharing aims to simplify the sharing of files and folders with others. However, with Simple File Sharing, it's an all or nothing proposition. You share your files with everyone or with no one. To better protect your system, disable Simple File Sharing and use Windows' default file sharing method instead. This default method allows you to decide who can access what and at what level.

To disable Simple File Sharing:
1. Go to Start | Control Panel | Folder Options.
2. From the Folder Options window, choose the View tab.
3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the advanced settings portion of the window.
4. Deselect the checkbox next to Use simple file sharing.
5. Click OK.
Now, when you share files, you can specify who has access to what.

How to Turn on the automatic updates settings? How to Turn on the automatic updates settings? How to Turn on the automatic updates settings?

How to Turn on the automatic updates settings?

Patches are a way of life these days. From correcting program crashes to shutting down zero-day exploits, the patch cycle has become integral to staying safe in the online computing world. There are a number of ways that you can go about keeping your system patches current. The easiest method is to make sure that the Automatic Updates feature is enabled.

Follow these steps to check your Automatic Updates status:
1. Go to Start | Control Panel.
2. Choose Security Center.
3. Make sure that the Automatic Updates option is set to On.

If your Automatic Updates setting is Off, click the button marked Turn on Automatic Updates. Besides just enabling Automatic Updates, you can also configure how the feature works. At the bottom of the Security Center screen, click the Automatic Updates option under the heading "Manage security settings for." This will open up a screen.

From this window, you can make a number of changes in Automatic Updates' default behavior. The default (and recommended) option is Automatic. When you select the Automatic option, you can also decide how often you want to install updates. Your choices are Every Day, Every Sunday, Every Monday, etc. As for times, you can choose any hour of the day that is convenient, but the default selection is to install updates every day at 3 AM. For most people, this will work fine, if the machine is left on for the night.

You other automatic update options are:
  • Download the updates, but install them manually.
  • Don't download any updates, but notify the user when new updates are available for download.
  • Turn off Automatic Updates altogether. This is not recommended at all.
When you're done configuring Automatic Updates, click OK.
By the way, if you fail to stay current on service packs for Windows XP, you're out of luck on updates. Microsoft is making new Windows updates available only to those that have installed Service Pack 2

How to backup the files?

How to backup the files?

Backup files are the one which is to be recovered, from the computer, when any important documents are to be permanently deleted.
To create the backup file :

1. Go start---progrms----accessories----system Tools--- Backup.
2. A window is open, click next button.
3. Then, Click backup files and settings button.
4. Then, click what you want to backup.
5. Afterwards, choose the place where you have to save that backup file by clicking browse button.
6. wait, while the Backup process is finished.

How to compress the files?

How to compress the files?

1. Go to Mycomputer.
2. select the folder (what u have to be compress).
3. Right-click on that folder, and select "send to"----"compressed zip folder".
4. Then, compressed zip folder is created where u specify the place, while saving.

How to change the physical appearance of the folders?

How to change the physical appearance of the folders?
1. Open mycomputer.
2. select and right click ur folder.
3. Then, select the properties option.
4. Then, Go to customize (present in properties menu).
5. Click the "Change icon" button.
6. Then, select whatever icon u like.
7. Then, click OK.
8. The selected folder will now appears as what icon as u specified.

How to rename the administrator account?

How to rename the administrator account?

1. Click the Start button.
2. Right-click My Computer and, from the shortcut menu, choose Manage.
3. When the Computer Management window opens, go to Local Users and Groups | Users.
4. Right-click the Administrator account and, from the shortcut menu, choose Rename.
5. Type the new name you want to use for the Administrator account.
(As an additional step, you could also create a dummy account named Administrator that actually has no rights on the system. Again, this will not deter determined hackers, but is another wall you can throw up on their trail.)

How to create password for user account?

How to create password for user account?

To assign a password on a machine that is not joined to a domain:

1. Go to Start -- Control Panel.
2. Choose the User Accounts option.This opens the screen.
3. From this screen, choose the user for whom you would like to establish or create a password.
4. From the resulting screen, choose Create a password. If you already have a password, this option will read Change my password.
5. On the create password window, type the password you wish to assign to the selected user. Optionally, you can also provide a password hint. However, for maximum security, this is inadvisable. If you already have a password assigned to your own user account and you try to change the password, Windows XP will ask that you verify your current password as well.
6. Click Create Password button. (or Change Password if you are just changing an existing password)
7. Windows XP next asks if you want to make your files private. Windows XP supports administrative and limited access accounts to be created locally. If you would like your files accessible only by those that hold administrative accounts, choose the "Yes, Make Private" button.

How to create the user accounts?

How to create the user accounts?

1. Go to control panel, by select start---settings----control panel.
2. In that dialogue box, click the "user accounts" link.
3. Then, click "create an user account".
4. Then, type ur details and create ur account.

How to create password for the compressed or zipped folders?

How to create password for the compressed or zipped folders?

1. Open the compressed or zipped folder, by right-click on the folder and select open with---compressed zip folder.
2. Then,Go to file menu.
3. Select add a password option.
4. Enter and confirm ur password.
5. Then, password is added to ur compressed folder.

How to display the control panel icon in mycomputer?

How to display the control panel icon in mycomputer?

1. Open Mycomputer
2. Then, Go to Tools--folder options---view---select the "Display the control panel icon in the mycomputer".
3. By this we can directly access the control panel menu quickly.

How to hide the folders in the windows?

How to hide the folders in the windows?

1. Open Mycomputer.

2. Select and right-click the folder (what u want to hide)

3. Select properties option

4. select hidden options in the properties menu.

5. Then, Go to Tools--folder options---view---select the radio button of "Don't show the hidden folders".

6. Then, u click refresh option in the mouse one time u see that folder is hided it can't see.

7. To see that hided folder, Go to Tools--folder options---view---check the radio button of show the hidden folders.